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Collection: Just Breathe Photos & Paintings

This artwork is created by Judy Braker, a lifelong artist. Her paintings are done on canvas and display a sense of calm and wonder. Dive into the emotional scenery that lets you hear the surroundings and feel the cool and the warmth of each painting!

"My favorite things to paint are woods, winter scenes, farms, farm animals, farm scenes, cowboys and cowgirls, portraits of people and animals and of course my grandchildren. I enjoy painting animal fur and trying to make the eyes and the scenes as a live and lively as possible so they look as though you could walk into and join them in their fun or serenity. I enjoy bringing pleasure to others and hope that my paintings bring a little joy, and peace to all who get to experience them. Thank you so much for looking, and if you’d like a painting in a different form, contact me at"

What am I getting?

What you're getting if you purchase a photo or painting, is a high quality scan digital file that you can take to any print shop of your choice. A professional print shop can use the high quality scan to print on Canvas to look like the original. Or you can likewise print on any other medium. Print shops usually have specific sizes they can print so be sure to take note of the original art size that is listed on the downloaded file. If you would like us to print for you, please email Jason at with the name of the art, the size you would like, and the medium you wish to print on, and he will send you an estimate.